Unlock Growth: Uncover Trends, Learn from Success And Take Action

Sorab Ghaswalla
2 min read2 days ago


Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

Last Monday, you read: Content Power Up: Spark Your Week With These Ideas!

From Others’ Playbooks: Case Studies to Spark Your Marketing Inspiration

“Kebab Club” Cooks Up Success: 61% Sales Increase with Targeted Ads (“The Good Marketer” Case Study)

The UK-based marketing agency “Good Marketer” helped “The Kebab Club” achieve a 61% sales surge through strategic Facebook and Instagram ads.

The initial challenge was reaching new customers for The Kebab Club’s unique marinades and condiments.

The Good Marketer crafted targeted campaigns, testing creative formats and audiences.

Carousel ads showcasing multiple products proved most successful, attracting a broader audience.

Lookalike audiences based on website engagement further bolstered ROI. To increase average order value, they collaborated with The Kebab Club to introduce value-priced bundles, resulting in a 25% rise.

The campaign delivered impressive results: a 27% click increase, a 39% CPM reduction, and a 28% cost-per-purchase drop over two months.

Source: The Good Marketer

(If you are a marketer or an agency and want any of your “hot” case studies to be featured here, get in touch.)

Lightbulb Moment: Quick Facts on Hot Digital Marketing Trends

The Rise of Micro-Influencers: Did you know that brands are increasingly turning to micro-influencers (those with 10k-50k followers) for marketing partnerships?Studies show they can generate higher engagement rates compared to mega-influencers.

Do This Now: Simple Hacks for Social, Ads & Traffic

Quick Tip:

Review your social media bios, including LinkedIn! Most of you have “limp” bios. Include relevant keywords and a clear call to action (CTA) like “Learn more” or “Visit our website.”

The Most Useless Vanity Metric: Which is it, According to You?

1) Follower Count (inflated by bots)

2) Shares (without context)

3) Unqualified comments on social media posts

Read more about why mere “likes” don’t pay the bills anymore in this week’s edition of “All About Content…And AI”. It’s all about vanity metrics — their history, why they lost to actionable metrics; and the answer to the biggest question of ’em all — which is the stupidest vanity metric in the whole wide world?



Sorab Ghaswalla

An AI Communicator, tech buff, futurist & marketing bro. Certified in artificial intelligence from the Univs of Oxford & Edinburgh. Ex old-world journalist.