Monday Read: Content Power-Up! Ideas to Ignite Your Week

Sorab Ghaswalla
2 min read2 days ago


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Content Idea That Converts!

The “Before & After” Blog Post

Remember those “before and after” weight loss program ads? Apply the same to your B2B blogging. Showcase the transformative power of your client’s product/service through “Before & After” posts. Focus on a specific feature or benefit and illustrate its impact with an example (if you don’t have a real-world one, fictionalize it). Describe a business struggling before adopting your solution, then detail how your product/service transformed their situation. Connect the “Before & After” narrative to actionable steps readers can take.

Implemented a content idea that hit bullseye? Send it to me and I’ll publish them here with your name and details. Get the word out!

Monday Motivation: A Quote to Fuel Your Content Creation

Benjamin Franklin: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.

Content Hacks: Here’s What And How To Do Things

Video Challenges: Engaging Social Media Trends That Inspire Creativity

Remember the “Ice Bucket Challenge” that went viral? Video challenges are social media trends where individuals/groups create and share themed videos, inviting others to participate using a specific hashtag. These challenges foster creativity and engagement. Growing a video challenge requires a high degree of creativity. Chances of it going viral are high if you offer incentives to like and share, post across all social media, and create a sense of urgency like a deadline. Create, Promote, Motivate, Engage.

The 15 most popular YouTube Creators. Thanks, Influencer MarketingHub.

If you are a content creator or a content marketer, you are acutely aware of this pain point: just how frequently to post your content? This week’s long-form newsletter, “All About Content…And AI” is all about that.



Sorab Ghaswalla

An AI Communicator, tech buff, futurist & marketing bro. Certified in artificial intelligence from the Univs of Oxford & Edinburgh. Ex old-world journalist.