Content Kickstart: Inspiration, Ideas And Information

Sorab Ghaswalla
2 min read5 days ago


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Content Idea That Converts!

Create a case study that showcases how a similar business (your ideal customer) achieved success using your product/service or a specific marketing strategy. Offer a downloadable template that summarizes the key steps or learnings from the case study. This provides immediate value and incentivizes signups. This format combines storytelling with actionable insights, making it valuable to potential customers. They also learn from a relatable success story.

A Quote to Fuel Your Content Creation

Leo Burnett: Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.

Stat Attack! Is Your Content Reaching the Right Audience?

BuzzSumo: The magic number to use in headlines is… 10.

Excluding the magic number 10, we prefer to share articles featuring single-digit numbers.

Numbers three through 10 drive the most engagement on social media, taking the top seven positions for the most shared headlines on Facebook and Twitter.

Want to know how online search and SEO are changing because of gen-AI? Subscribe to our weekly newsletter and read our 5-part series on: How Gen-AI Is Impacting SEO?

Also, this week’s edition of “All About Content…And AI” is all about vanity metrics — their history, why they lost to actionable metrics; and the answer to the biggest question of ’em all — which is the stupidest vanity metric in the whole wide world?



Sorab Ghaswalla

An AI Communicator, tech buff, futurist & marketing bro. Certified in artificial intelligence from the Univs of Oxford & Edinburgh. Ex old-world journalist.